To 1 million

    I didn’t go to gym today. I had poor sleep and I felt like I need to focus on my work. I decided to skip the gym and go study. But first, something to eat. Initially, I was going to go out at 10am to get food from rubio’s and then it got delayed to 11am. At 11am I changed my mind and went to In-N-Out for lunch instead. Ended up arriving in library few minutes before 12pm.

    I got some reading done but I do feel like it wasn’t enough. I’m barely getting through one section in an hour of reading. Not sure if it’s because I stupid to understand or the paper is poorly written, requiring more thought for clarity. It’s probably a good mix of the two as I’m in the process of editing the paper as well.

    I had to go to work early today, by 3pm instead of the usual 4pm. I’m on the process of cutting out diet sodas from my life. Or at least after 12pm. I wanted to get back to having great quality sleeps, so I decided to stop drinking so much zero sugar cola, which I’ve been drinking over 3 cans worth for the past months. Work has free soda available, but I made it a rule for me to NOT drink any while I’m at work. This would free me from caffeine after 3pm and a nasty habit of drinking soda.

    The offset was that I began feeling tired at work. Either that or I’m just sick of everything that’s happening. I haven’t said anything to you guys, but my work environment is quite toxic. The two managers are always bickering. Both talk so much shit about customers and coworkers, complain about everything, criticize, order, make mistakes but don’t admit to it, blame, not work, and just about everything that would make it toxic. Coworkers are also divided by race, talking in their native languages. They are also very bad in English with thick accents, nearly interpretable. Laughing about something while staring at me, making me uncomfortable about what they speak. This culmination of emotions and thoughts made everything very difficult for me to put on my mask.

    I didn’t laugh or smile at anything my manager would say as he would make stupid vulgar jokes as he usually would. This, I think, made him feel upset or something of that sort since after he made a joke and I didn’t respond, he would give a huge fake laugh, to which I again ignored. Afterwards he didn’t bother me but as I was coming back to the front of the house after being in the kitchen to pack some stuffs, he got angry at me for not answering a question I haven’t heard him ask. I’m so glad I won’t see him until after his trip to Tijuana. Dude needs to get laid, ASAP.

    Tomorrow, I don’t work. I’m not sure when I’d wake up tomorrow but if my sleep is going to be anything like last night, where I woke up at 5am, I’ll just go to the gym and start my day early.

    Today Earned: $120.01 – $9.04 (innout 2 burgers)

    Total Earned: $1,674.84

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